A Real Barber knows how to cut a man’s hair.
Many men these days go to some unisex chain salon. The problem is that many of the people who work at these salons are not “trained barbers.” Instead they are cosmetologists. Their training is geared toward catering to women’s hair. They become experts in styling, coloring, and perming — things a man has no need for. The difference between the two can spell the difference between a dopey-looking haircut and a great one.
A Real Barber Shop is a great place to chew the fat with other men.
Barbers are interesting people with fascinating stories to tell. Men in turn feel at ease to say what’s on their mind. They converse about politics, cars, sports, and family. Guys who are waiting read the newspaper and comment on current events. Everyone is involved: the barbers, the customers getting their haircut and the customers waiting to get their haircut.
A Real Barber Shop is a great father and son activity.
Men need traditions that can help bond them. Father and Son visits to the barber shop is a great tradition to begin in the family.
A Real Barber Shop will make you feel manlier.
For whatever the reason, perhaps the smell of hair tonics or just the awareness of the tradition, when you walk out of the barbershop with a sharp haircut, you can’t help but feel a little manly swagger creep into your step. So when you spot that familiar red-white-and-blue striped pole, stop in, you’ll be glad you did.